The Bible and Civil Liberties

In the call for papers for our upcoming Council, we did not mention the topic of civil liberties explicitly.  However, it is one that is implied in some of the other topics mentioned: forms of government, economic views, cultural interaction, etc. Classical Roman...

The Bible and Economic Systems

Related to the question of forms of government, we can ask if the Bible sanctions any particular form of economics.  For example, it does seem that the Bible supports the notion of private property.  The current debate in the West between socialists and capitalists...

The Bible and Forms of Government

Is there a biblical form of government? In the Old Testament there was a period of monarchies.  In the future when Christ returns, there will be a supreme monarchy and I won’t be in charge! In the United States, we often celebrate the democratic republican form of...

Empire Criticism and the Book of Revelation

One area that is of interest to me (since I am in the process of working on a commentary on the book of Revelation) is the area of study that in recent years has grown and come to be called “Empire Criticism” or some such specialized term. But long before these...