2025 Call for Papers

Eighteenth Annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics


Comparative Views on Key Biblical Passages”

Southern California Seminary, El Cajon, California

September 17-18, 2025

Welcome to the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics

The Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics was started in 2008 to provide a forum for discussion among traditional dispensationalists in the important areas of hermeneutics and theological method. In biblical studies, the last several decades have complicated interpretation.  Such issues have been discussed in several forums where traditional dispensationalists interact with those of other persuasions.  There was no official forum, however, for traditionalists to discuss issues among themselves.  The Council was started to meet that particular need.  CDH has one annual two-day meeting in different parts of North America usually in the month of September.  Local church pastors are invited to attend the meetings so that the discussions among the academic community can be grounded in every day ministry concerns.



“Counterpoints: Comparative Views on Key Passages”

Southern California Seminary (El Cajon, CA)

September 17-18, 2025


JMAT, the Journal of Ministry & Theology, encourages pastors, church leaders, scholars, missionaries and others who love the church of Jesus Christ to think biblically regarding contemporary theological issues, ministry concerns and methodologies facing the church, academy and individual believers.


Help the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to continue to provide free resources and conferences to all who are willing to learn and grow.

We appreciate your support, and we hope you are encouraged and helped by the many resources available here.

Hermeneutics Consistency

I am struck by the fact that many Christians do not read their Bible consistently.  That is, they have a dual hermeneutic – one for the New Testament, but a different one for the Old Testament. In particular, when many interpreters come to passages about the...

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Dr. Elliott Johnson on The Bible and Theology Matters Podcast

The Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics' steering committee member, Dr. Elliott Johnson, appeared on the Bible and Theology Matters podcast to discuss "his life and 47 years of teaching at Dallas Theological Seminary." The episode description reads, "In this...

Live-Stream Link and Other Info

The 2022 National Conference is exactly two weeks away (September 14–15, 2022). Make sure you're up to date on all the information which can be found on the info page. We look forward to seeing you all there! NOTE: All live streaming will be accessed through a  link...

2022 CDH Processes and Update

I want to take this opportunity to alert everyone to the process for our upcoming Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to be held at Southern California Seminary in the San Diego area on September 14 & 15.  The schedule can be found here at the...

2022 National Conference Registration – Now Open

Registration for the 2022 National Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics is $25 and is now open. This years national conference will be held in San Diego, California at Southern California Seminary. It is a two-day event for...