Live-Stream Link and Other Info

The 2022 National Conference is exactly two weeks away (September 14–15, 2022). Make sure you’re up to date on all the information which can be found on the info page. We look forward to seeing you all there! NOTE: All live streaming will be accessed through a ...

2022 CDH Processes and Update

I want to take this opportunity to alert everyone to the process for our upcoming Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to be held at Southern California Seminary in the San Diego area on September 14 & 15.  The schedule can be found here at the...
Reminder: 2021 Call for Papers

Reminder: 2021 Call for Papers

This is a reminder that paper proposals for the 2021 Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics in the Houston, TX area are due to Mike Stallard at by June 4. Our theme is “Developing a Biblical Worldview.” For more information on the topic,...