We want to remind you about the “Call For Papers” for this year’s Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics which will be held in person at Sugar Land Bible Church in the Houston, Texas area. Proposals of not more than 200 words should be sent to Mike...
Dr. Paul Weaver, Dr. Christopher Cone, Dr. Joseph Parle, and Dr. Michael Stallard discuss the topic of Progressive Dispensationalism on this episode of Learn the Word...
Dr. Paul Weaver, Dr. Christopher Cone, Dr. Joseph Parle, and Dr. Michael Stallard discuss the myths and misconceptions regarding dispensationalism in this episode of Learn the Word...
Dr. Michael Stallard, Dr. Christopher Cone, Dr. Joe Parle, and Dr. Paul Weaver continue their discussion regarding the definition and importance of Dispensationalism on Learn the Word...
Dr. Paul Weaver, Dr. Michael Stallard, Dr. Christopher Cone, and Dr. Joseph Parle define Dispensationalism while also discussing the importance of proper understanding on this episode of Learn the Word...