This is a reminder that paper proposals for the 2021 Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics in the Houston, TX area are due to Mike Stallard at mstallard@foi.org by June 4. Our theme is “Developing a Biblical Worldview.” For more information on the topic,...
Dr. Michael Stallard discusses the anti-semitism of the modern day social justice movement at the 2021 Pinter Lecture Series, Appalachian Bible...
Dr. Michael Stallard discusses issues of Biblical justice at the Pinter Lecture Series, Appalachian Bible...
Dr. Michael Stallard presents common myths about Dispensationalism and reinforces the important of Dispensationalism itself at the 2021 Pinter Lecture Series, Appalachian Bible...
Dr. Paul Weaver, Dr. Christopher Cone, Dr. Joseph Parle, and Dr. Michael Stallard continue their discussion regarding Progressive Dispensationalism on this episode of Learn the Word...