I want to take this opportunity to alert everyone to the process for our upcoming Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics to be held at Southern California Seminary in the San Diego area on September 14 & 15.  The schedule can be found here at the website.  Some items of interest:

1. The address for Southern California Seminary is 2075 E. Madison Ave., El Cajon, CA, 92019.

2. An individual must be registered for the conference to have access to a downloadable version of the papers.  A password will be provided during the actual presentations.

3. We give presenters one month to update their papers in light of the discussion.  Then we post all papers for public access without passwords.

4. Each presentation is designed for 30 minutes of presentation followed by one hour of discussion.

5. There will be many workshops to choose from since we have a record number of 18 presentations this year.

Please go to the conference info page for registration, schedule, and hotel partnership information.

I look forward to seeing you soon….Dr. Mike Stallard

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