The links below will provide a download of each paper in pdf format. The author’s have updated their papers and are published below. Videos of each session will also be published on this page at a later date for public viewing.

Schedule and Papers

8:30 am           John Oglesby, AgathonEDU

Roots of a Different Tree: Theological Hermeneutic

10:00 am         Break

10:15 am         Jamie Bissmeyer, The Master’s Seminary

A Better Hermeneutic?: A Comparison of TIS and LGH Approaches to Justification in Job

11:45 am         Lunch

1:45 pm           Alex Morris, Baptist Bible Seminary

Theological Interpretation of the Song of Songs: A Test Case

3:15 pm           Break

3:30 pm           Ian Bacon, Calvary University

An Examination of John Walton’s Misuse of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology

5:00 pm           Dinner

7:00 pm           Panel Discussion

Tom Pittman, Mike Stallard, Chris Katulka, Christopher Cone, George Gunn
“To What Extent Can Dispensationalists Practice Theological Interpretation of Scripture?”

Thursday, September 21

8:30 am           Christopher Cone, AgathonEDU

The Anti-Logic of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture: A Response to and Critique of Chris Gousmett’s Review of Redacted Dominionism

10:00 am         Break

10:15 am         Brandon Carmichael, Victory Baptist Church

A Case Study of Theological Interpretation of Scripture – An Evaluation of Jamieson and Wittman’s Biblical Reasoning: Christological and Trinitarian Rules for Exegesis

11:45 am         Lunch

1:45 pm           BREAKOUT SESSION # 1

Tim Miller, Shepherds Theological Seminary

Unbelieving Child and Qualified Elder:  A Case for ‘Faithful’ Children in Titus 1:6


Cory Marsh, Southern California Seminary

On Account of My Name: An Ecclesial Shift Through Righteous Suffering in John 15-16

3:15 pm           Break

3:30 pm           BREAKOUT SESSION # 2

James Fazio, Southern California Seminary

Re-assessing the Extent of Darby’s Influence on Dispensational Theology


Adrian Isaacs, Canada Christian College

Dispensational Distinctions in Redeemed Humanity as a Correspondence to God’s Tri-unity?

5:00 pm           Dinner

7:00 pm           Pastor’s Panel

“How Does the Debate Over Theological Interpretation Affect Local Church Ministry?”

8:30 pm           Closing Prayer